We help you to grow your business to the next level.

Our company, we are passionate about helping business thrive in the dynamic and competitive world our company, we are passionate


We are a successful business management team.

PT AWMA Global Indonesia is a Indonesian company dedicated to bringing your business to the forefront of your industry.

Our company mission

We aim to elevate your business to the next level. Our team of exceptional creatives, strategists, and digital experts will assist you in transforming your business into a powerful icon of success, ensuring long-term growth


High-impact services to take your business the next level.

Hire Indonesian Talent

You can enhance employee efficiency through various means. One approach is by employing online workers from Indonesia. This can optimize employee salaries while upholding company performance


Virtual Employee

PT AWMA Global Indonesia offers virtual employee services to support the growth of your business. Our talent is trained and managed with the best systems to ensure the delivery of optimal results.


Local Collaboration

PT AWMA Global Indonesia offers a comprehensive range of business management services to help your business grow in Indonesia. From strategy development to creative execution, we deliver results-driven solutions that maximize your RO


Improve your business strategy with our innovative approach.


Amplify your business strategy with our tailored solutions.


13+ Years in Business

PT AWMA Global Indonesia is a trusted Indonesian company with over 6 years of experience helping businesses achieve their advertising goals.


100+ Satisfied Clients

With a proven track record, PT AWMA Global Indonesia has successfully satisfied more than 100 clients with its exceptional business services


7 Excellence Awards

PT AWMA Global Indonesia is a proud recipient of seven excellence awards, reflecting its unparalleled creativity and innovative business solutions.


What our customers say?

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Get ready to grow your business!

Discover the power of our cutting-edge business solutions that are designed to supercharge your business strategy. From comprehensive strategies to captivating.

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